Monday, December 27, 2010

Star Wars holiday cookies

For Christmas this year I wanted to make Star Wars cookies for my friends, I had decided on this a couple months ago when Williams-Sonoma put out a Heroes & Villains cookie cutter set that I had to get. It comes with molds for Darth Vader, Yoda, Boba Fett, and a Stormtrooper. Here is a link to the product: star-wars-cookie-cutter.

I started with a basic sugar cookie recipe and tried several different decorating techniques.  The picture on the right is of the "work station" I set up. Its amazing how many different types of colored sugar collects in your kitchen cupboard over the years. I didn't have to buy a single thing. 

It took a couple days but I eventually completed over 100 Star Wars cookies. The favorite of the family is the stormtrooper with the holly and ivy on the helmet. 

Here are some pics of the variations: 
Boba/Jango Fett

Darth Vader

Overall I am really satisfied with how these guys turned out. 

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